Truth: Not a single country around the world pays women and men equally.
According to the World Economic Forum, women average 133 days unpaid per year. And, according to The Global Gender Index Gap, women won’t earn as much as men until 2133. Equal pay, around the world, isn’t simply an issue of “women’s rights,” equal pay between men and women is about real, persistent, far-reaching current economic problems affecting families and whole communities around the world. Because, when you keep a woman down, guess what does — or, doesn’t — happen to her society?
If you think the view is better zoomed straight into the American workplace you’d be, well, wrong.
Women have not inched closer to pay equality in the U.S. in the last decade. To put that in perspective, our pay gap is behind “quote” developing countries like Rwanda and the Philippines. And that overall pay gap of 78 cents on the dollar? It’s complicated — bear with us.
The bottom line is pregnant women, moms, black, and latino women and (surprise!) doctors, lawyers, and successful business women may suffer from an even more severe pay discrimination.
Welcome to the front lines of fighting equal pay and we’re about to shake things up.