You can learn more about asbestos and the diseases it causes by visiting the following: :The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): If you believe that you were exposed to asbestos through an apartment you rent or a school you attend, you should contact the EPA asbestos ombudsman and the asbestos coordinator through your state’s environmental agency for assistance. The EPA has jurisdiction over asbestos exposure in the schools as well as housing containing four or more units. : The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): If you believe you were exposed to asbestos on the job, you can contact OSHA to file a complaint. You can learn more about the process. OSHA’s website also has a wealth of information about the federal safety regulations that govern asbestos in the workplace. : The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH):
NIOSH recommends that people with a history of occupational exposure to asbestos undergo periodic health testing. These tests generally include a chest X-ray and lung function tests, as well as an evaluation of the patient’s overall health and his or her history of asbestos exposure. : The Consumer Product Safety Commission contains information about hazardous consumer products, including products containing asbestos. : The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) is a non-profit dedicated to giving a voice to asbestos victims, advocating for a ban on asbestos, supporting medical research, and educating the public and the medical community about asbestos. : The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a nonprofit that has compiled a lot of research about asbestos. You can find this information through the “chemical index” tab on their website.