Does PGT-A Work as Advertised?
After years of being unable to have a baby, you decide that it is time to save your money, take on a second job, and/or borrow money so that you can try to have a baby using in vitro fertilization (IVF). Your emotions are ping-ponging as you begin the process in hopes of having your miracle baby as soon as possible when you learn of an add-on to the IVF process called PGT-A, or preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy.
You are informed that PGT-A is highly advantageous and has a very high degree of accuracy, and that you should purchase the test to determine whether your embryos are genetically “normal” or “abnormal”. You also are told that PGT-A increases the chance of pregnancy, decreases the chance of miscarriage, and increases the success of IVF, among other benefits. With promises like that, you decide that PGT-A is worth the additional cost of around $5,000, even if your insurance company will not pay for it.
But is it?
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